Client: City of Lake Forest Park
Duration: 2020 – 2021
The City of Lake Forest Park (LFP) is separated from the lake waterfront by the wide SR 522 roadway. The City is interested in designing a pedestrian/bicycle crossing of the state route to connect its Town Center to the regional Burke-Gilman Trail (BGT), using either an overpass or underpass. The new grade-separated facility will provide users a safe connection between destinations that include the BGT, LFP Town Center, City Hall, transit stops, Civic Club, Lyon Creek Waterfront Park, and other local destinations. The project location is considered part of a regional transportation hub, and will see increased traffic in the near future with the addition of a new rapid bus corridor along SR 522 and potential redevelopment of the Town Center complex.
V+M was retained by the City to provide consulting services for a Type, Size, and Location (TS&L) study of the new crossing. V+M is the prime consultant leading a team of subconsultants to deliver the project. The team evaluated three structural options at two alignments along the corridor to identify a preferred option for the new structure. The two shortlisted options include a midblock overpass option with serpentine north approach ramp and an underpass tunnel option near the intersection with an integrated north plaza area at the Town Center site.
The work includes preliminary structural and civil design of the new grade-separated structure and approaches, geotechnical investigations along the preferred alignments, detailed site survey, public outreach efforts, and stakeholder coordination. The structures will conform to AASHTO, the WSDOT BDM, and AASHTO Shared-Use Path Guidelines.