TLC Grand Opening

July 8, 2023 will mark the opening of the Totem Lake Connector (TLC) bike and pedestrian bridge! Spanning 6 years of involvement for V+M staff, the opening of the TLC bike and pedestrian bridge is a significant milestone for the community and all those involved in the planning and construction of this bridge which will connect the 5.75-mile Cross Kirkland Corridor over the City’s busiest intersection.

The grand opening celebration will start at 2PM with a family friendly community event. The official program will begin at 3:30PM and the ribbon-cutting ceremony is planned for 4PM.

V+M staff have a long history with this project, as Schaun Valdovinos, president and principal engineer at V+M led the design of the bridge in 2017 to 2019 while at his previous firm of employment. After founding the company, the V+M team supported the construction management effort as a subcontractor from 2020 to 2023, and provided critical legacy knowledge to ensure the engineering and architectural intent of the design was upheld.

We’re excited to join in on this community celebration and hope to see you there, too!